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Check out some of the feedback from past patients detailing how Kambo has helped improve their health and overall lifestyle. Get in touch today to schedule an appointment and begin your own healing process.

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As a person who has been working with plant medicines my whole life and being the owner of a retreat center I have witnessed hundreds of ceremonies over the years. The professionalism and care of Luke was nothing but topnotch and done with love. I have also done about 20 Kambo sessions before and out of all of those I would have to recommend this outstanding practitioner as being the very best hands down. Luke was the best from beginning to end and I highly recommend him..

Darin McBratney

Owner Costa Rica Yoga

Founder of

Founder of the Global Nurture Project

This medicine is powerful and has a way of meeting each individual where they are at. The purge is at the capacity of what the participant is ready for on a soul level. It is much like a baptism by suffering. Where we are literally being purified by a spiritual fire that burns away the very toxic elements and fragmented perceptions that exist within who we are. Transformation and healing is imminent. 
Luke has the presence of a master. You want a facilitator who’s relationship with any plant medicine is one of integrity. Luke clearly demonstrates his skillful means in ceremony by setting the sacred space, infusing the atmosphere with intention, and executing the ritual with grace. If there is a calling to work with this medicine from within, from without , or both. It would be a blessing to work with Kambo under the refuge of Luke.
Viva la Kambo!

William O’Brien

I had never had the opportunity to work with Kambo, until I met Luke in Guatemala. I decided to do the 3 day inoculation at my home. He gave me a grounding vibe that kept me feeling calm and reassured. As a first timer, I was feeling very anxious and had some nervous energy going into it. Luke's solid presence made me believe in myself in knowing that I could trust my inner wisdom. He gave me enough space to allow for my process to unfold at my own pace, while holding a peaceful container. I am very grateful to have had Luke by my side during this experience 🙏


My experience with Kambo was intense and incredibly healing. I was dealing with a lot of memories of the past and Kambo helped relieve the burden they had had on me. This medicine is not to escape into a different realm and forget your responsibilities or obligations. It is to help you look them straight in the eye and face them with a deep sense of understanding and courage that can be hard to come by. Besides the profound emotional release it also helped with my chronic pain and inflammation in certain regions of the body. Kambo can be all around transformative, just be sure to set proper intentions, have faith, and surrender into the medicine.

Landon Walker

Before meeting Luke, I honestly didn’t feel much of a pull to do Kambo. I didn’t know much about it and wasn’t sure if it was for me. It wasn’t until I actually met him, while he was facilitating a Kambo ceremony for my aunt in Guatemala, that I knew Kambo was right for me and that he was the facilitator I felt most comfortable trying it with, for the first time. His warm and caring energy immediately drew me in. I felt very comfortable and welcome to witness my aunt’s ceremony and knew she was in good hands. He is so knowledgeable of Kambo. He was super thorough and intentional throughout the entire process. He’s very professional and you can tell he has a deep respect and admiration for the sacred medicine. Also, he holds space beautifully for people. After witnessing the ceremony, I immediately asked for his next availability. He provided an intake form and diet to prepare for, which I really appreciated. I felt well prepared for our session. During the ceremony, I felt safe and comfortable enough to be completely vulnerable purging. He has a very gentle and caring demeanor. He checked in on us after the ceremony also. I highly recommend a Kambo experience with Luke for anyone who’s considering it.


Sitting in Kambo ceremony was a detox of a lifetime. The set, scene and setting was incredible. Luke’s facilitation and energy was very calm and nurturing. The most challenging part of the ceremony was drinking 2 liters of water in 15 minutes. That first purge was welcome and wonderful although accompanied by the awareness and eminence of the second. The energy attached to each purge was felt throughout my body. It was a release of past choices, judgements and insecurities that I held for myself and others within my experience. I cradled the bucket close as I physically released what no longer served me through four or five additional purges.  An hour after the ceremony I was fully recovered and felt amazing. My mind was clear, my body felt restored and I had a deep sense of gratitude for life. I am grateful for the experience with Luke. He has incredible healing energy. Luke is extremely knowledgeable, calm, encouraging and nurturing. So much gratitude for the medicine, Luke and the experience.

Misty Shafer

I was at a point in my life where the future was hazy and unclear. I had been dealing with a lot of emotional grief and was unable to see past it. I decided to give Kambo a try because everything else I had tried or was doing wasn't working. My brother had done a ceremony with Luke before so I reached out to him. The journey itself was challenging, yet deeply rewarding. The benefits weren't readily apparent, but as the clock of time ticks forward the benefits have made themselves evident. This is a powerful medicine with a powerful message. I would encourage you if you are in a place in your life that is stagnant and murky, that this will have a profound effect in your life.

Steven Ellis

After reading about all of the incredible things Kambo can do for the mind, body, and soul, I knew I just had to try it.  I had no idea what I was hoping to gain, but knew that any positive reaction would be a blessing!
I almost immediately felt lighter, happier, and very proud, after the ceremony.  I’m very calm and patient again, and feel so happy about life!
About a week afterwards, I was truly amazed at how sharp my eyesight had become! I had vision correction surgery about 5 years ago, and recently noticed how out of focus everything had become. I was pretty worried that I was starting to have vision loss, and knew I needed to get back to the eye doctor and have it looked at, but was very scared to find out the results.  You can’t imagine how freaked out I was to see so clearly again!!! My vision is still sharp today, and I find myself looking at everything in amazement!  I am so blessed, and actually cry a little just thinking about it. This was after only one session, and I can’t wait to have more sessions soon.
My husband is so intrigued by the things I’ve gained, that he wants to have the next session with me!
Thank you, Luke!!

Cindy Daugherty

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What is Kambo?

Kambo is a secretion produced by the Giant Amazonian Tree Frog phyllomedusa bicolor.

Where does it come from?

Kambo frogs are found high in trees near the Igarapés (rainforest waterways) where they gather to sing and announce the rain. They are generally harvested at dawn by the Indians who also sing and imitate the frogs’ song. Click on the player to the right to hear a sample of their song. The frogs are very passive and do not react negatively when picked up, possibly because they have no predators. The frogs are carefully tied by each leg with straw strings into an X shape. Sometimes the shaman will massage the toes to encourage the secretion which is then carefully scraped off and dried on small sticks. After it is released the frog returns to its habitat none the worse for wear. The strings leaves a tiny white line on each leg which stops anyone from harvesting the frog again until it has faded which takes at 2-3 months. The frog is never harmed but treated with 
utmost care and respect as the people believe that to harm the frog will anger the animal spirits that they live so closely with. Kambo collected in this way is considered 100% ethically harvested. Kambo frogs that are held in a laboratory environment or squeezed or harmed in any way during the harvesting process are not considered to be ethically harvested.

What is Kambo used for?

The use of Kambo differs amongst tribes but the main indigenous uses revolve around lifting Panema – an indigenous name for dark or negative energy, and for Hunting Magic – they believe it improves their speed and energy during hunting and that it makes the hunter invisible by temporarily eliminating their human odor.
There are many ways they use it medicinally too, including: malaria, snake bites, fevers, infections, fertility problems, to cleanse, detox, and strengthen the mind and body, to increase energy and stamina, and to reduce pain. 
Outside of the forest, Kambo has been the subject of nearly three decades of medical research. As with venoms from snakes and scorpions, researchers believe that Kambo will open up a new world of treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, Depression, Vascular problems, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Addictions and much, much more. 
Their work consists of attempting to identify, isolate and reproduce the incredible and unique chemical cocktail that Kambo is. It contains dozens of Peptides (short chains of amino acids), some of them bioactive which means they have an affinity and selectivity for binding with receptor sites in humans (A receptor is like a lock that, when opened with the right key—the bioactive peptide—triggers specific chemical reactions in the body). The peptide families represented in Kambo include bradykinins (phyllokinin), tachykinins (phyllomedusin), caerulein, sauvagine, tryptophyllins, dermorphins, deltorphins and bombesins. 
Recent studies have shown that Kambo contains multiple antimicrobial peptides effective against drug resistant strains of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites and virus, providing opportunities for the development of new and more efficient nanotechnological-based therapies for treating infectious diseases.

How safe is Kambo?

Kambo is 100% safe in the right hands.
It’s true that there have been accidents in the past and that people have died but the number is very small and the circumstances of these deaths have shown that Kambo should not have been given to them because of their pre-existing health conditions.
This applies to all medicines, natural or pharmaceutical, there are always contraindications. 
Not only is it important for the person giving Kambo to understand these contraindications but it is also important for people taking Kambo to disclose all their health issues to the practitioner. In this way, we can ensure that no more mistakes happen. 
Kambo is not for everyone. Also be aware that if you are travelling in South America and seek out a remote tribe to take Kambo with, that they may not have full knowledge of western health conditions so be very careful in these situations.

What happens during a treatment?

Kambo is intense but fast. The unpleasant effects are strong and immediate but over within 30 – 40 minutes. 
The top thin layer of skin is blistered with a hot stick and the skin is peeled off to expose the epidermis underneath – this is similar to when you have a blister and the skin rubs off. There is no blood.
The number and position of the points varies from person to person depending on individual needs. We refer to these small breaks in the skin as ‘gates’.
The dried Kambo is mixed with a small amount of water and divided into small dots. These dots of Kambo, called points, are placed onto the gates. The points are approximately 1/8” across but can be smaller or slightly larger depending on the treatment. 
If you have a series of treatments in the same session, the same points are reused. The small dots of Kambo are applied to the points. This is the only way to take Kambo – it is not safe to ingest it, snort it or to introduce it into the blood stream directly.
Kambo enters directly into the Lymphatic System so the effect is very fast. Most people experience a warm to hot flush on the upper body and face along with increased heart rate.
At this point, different people will react in different ways. Some will feel dizzy, foggy or spaced out; the occasional person will shake or even faint.
Some people have swollen lips or face and slight skin tingling. The Kambo will be racing around your body, scanning it for problems and then going directly to work on those areas. You may experience a throbbing or burning sensation in those areas for a short while. Some people may feel some abdominal discomfort and need to defecate. 
Once the Kambo has cleaned the body you will purge all the toxins out. This purging process works on a physical and emotional level. You may feel tired at this point and need to rest. 
Within a short time – usually an hour or so you will feel much better and you can drink and eat normally. Within a day or so, depending on your state of health, you will start to feel the real benefits.

Testimonials: FAQ


The following may not safely take Kambô:

  • People with serious heart problems

  • People who have had a stroke

  • People on medication for low blood pressure (this is extremely rare)

  • People who’ve had a brain hemorrhage

  • People who have aneurysms or blood clots

  • People who lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo

  • People with serious mental health problems excluding depression and anxiety

  • People undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for 4 – 6 weeks afterward

  • People who take immune-suppressants for an organ transplant

  • Women who are pregnant or may be so

  • Women who are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old

  • People with Addison’s disease

  • People with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

  • People with current and severe Epilepsy

  • Are recovering from a major surgical procedure

  • Under 18

  • Animals

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The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. None of this information should be considered a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, a legal warranty or a guarantee of results to be achieved. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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